
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Visit to Lake Elmo

Last weekend Brian was attending the Minnebar Tech Conference in Mpls, so Wally and I had the whole day Saturday to hang out.  We decided to head over to Lake Elmo and visit my dad and Mary, and it was a wonderful day. Kacy and Andy joined us, and Colin and Wally gave a thorough "kid-testing" to the new house.  They inspected everything from the dishwasher to stairways to bedrooms.  No square inch was unturned.  Here is a cute pic of Colin with one of Marys kitchen wooden spoons.

Those spoons made wonderful golf clubs, and Wally had a blast batting those tennis balls around the dining area.

 Dad spent a good chunk of the day chasing Wally up and down the stairs.  They played a game of peek-a-boo (a current Wally favorite) between the lower and upper staircases.

 We'll be back soon for another visit!

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