
Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Egg Dying

This past Saturday we had a few free hours in the afternoon so we headed over to Mame and Ray's. When we got there, Mame had everything ready to go for dying easter eggs, which was a wonderful surprise!  So, Wally got to do two new favorite activities - running up and down the hallways and spilling things all over.  It was a very exciting day!

Even though we were way past nap time and Wally was starting to get a little crabby, as soon as we put him in the high chair he was super excited. Naturally, we eat things when we are sitting in our high chair.  Vinegar water with a little coloring is no exception.  

I tried to write on one egg "Wally's 1st Easter" but it wasn't super clear.  Here's a pic.  After we got done, Wally had a little more play time in the living room before leaving.  Overall, wonderful day!  Thanks to Mame and Ray!

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