
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gale Woods Farm

On Friday Mame, Wally and I went out to Gale Woods Farm for thier "Spring on the Farm" day.  It was really great, lots of families and kids learning about animals, growing vegetables, and cooking.  The older kids were making popcorn from actual corn cobs, so the whole building smelled great. The play room was open with a barn puppet stage and lots of little farm equipment to play with.  Wally promptly stole one of the stuffed animal chickens and carried it around the farm for the rest of the visit.  

The show stealer was the animal barn.  One of the sheep had just given birth at 1:00am that morning, so we got to pet three brand new lambs.  They were just adorable and the mom was so calm!  Plus, we actually watched an Ewe give birth to a little black goat in the next stall over.  That was really awesome (and admitedly brought back memories of Wally's little head poping out, which I did see because I had them put the mirror up).   

Wally was so absorbed with sorting the new hay into piles over in the corner that I had to pry him away.  He was still kicking and screaming in this next picture while Mame was trying to show him the chicks.  Eventually he calmed when we went to see the cow outside!


Quick little story:  The last time Wally and I were out at Gale Woods, he bent down to pet a kitty and did a face plant into the gravel.  He was literaly spitting it out of his mouth and got a good scrape on his nose. We left that day in tears.  So, this trip I told Mame about that and how we had to be extra careful on the gravel.  As we were walking out the door to the car, we stopped by the chicken coop one last time.  As fate would have it, as Wally was effortlessly walking accross the gravel he did what looked like a summersault attempt, with his forehead hitting the ground first.  He now has a fairly sizable scrape down one side. Farm = 2  Wally = 0

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