
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Play Date

On Tuesday we head a wonderful play date with Wally's buddies - Chase and Julianna.  Moms Christine and Jess are some new friends of mine and I'm so happy to have found such down to earth ladies in Mound!  Christine lives in a beautiful home they built a few years ago out in Minnetrista, so it was fun to hear about that. It's also nice to have found other mom's in very similar situations to my own - first child, staying at home while hubby works, all the stresses and joys attached to that.  I think the biggest benefit is the ease we now have to call eachother up and get the kids together.  This is becoming especially useful now that I really feel the need to get Wally out of the house at least once a day just so he doesn't go stir crazy.  Next week we'll all meet for lunch at a park here in Mound, which will be great (hope the weather holds out).

 Here is Wally playing on the stairs.  He still loves climbing stairs - so I spend a fairly significant percentage of my day following him up and down.  Chase, who is about 5 months younger than Wally, is just starting to pull himself up on things and can even creep up the steps himself.  He was fascinated, needless to say, by this big tank-boy who could scale those stairs like nobodys business.

Here are a few pics I took of Juliana.  She's the little peanut who is 3 weeks younger and litterally half the size of Wally.  In our little play group it's Julianna and the 3 boys (although Landon wasn't able to make it this round).  Wally likes her - I can tell because he's always trying to feed her things like these cherrios.  You know I raise him right - keep your women fed :)

Here is the three of them eating Cherrios.  Wally is a head taller than Chase and Julianna, and much more active. It's hard to keep him in one room because he just wants to explore right now.  I really don't mind letting him roam because he's so interested in finding new things - and he loves playing with new toys.

Juliana and Jess sitting on the couch.  I'm realizing more and more how important it is to get pics of mom and baby together.  In the thousands of pics I have of Wally - even of Brian and Wally together - I only have a couple of Wally and I.  It's hard to do when most of my picture taking happens when it's just the two of us. Or when I'm handing the camera to Brian whom I haven't fully taught how to properly focus and compose an image.

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