
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter with the Rock Family

Easter Sunday: Part 1 of 2

Now isn't this the cutest group of little men you've ever seen?  I think so at least!  Wally, Colin, and Ryder are growing up and we had the perfect 3 seconds where they all sat still.  Raenay and Grant's back yard is so interesting that I didn't think we'd be able to do it.  Sheer mommy will. This is why I love the "continuous shoot" action on my camera.

I had to include this one even though it's a little blurry because this is such a funny little face.

 Dad and Raenay smiling for the camera!

I took a few family shots for Andy and Kacy.  Now that thier family is growing (due August!) we need to document the stages when we can :)  

 Here's a few more cute pics from the day.  I just thought I'd throw them in for fun!

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