
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Random Jan Pics

Today we were at the Library picking up some books, and Wally decided to go for a walk.  He ending up walking laps around the library (unassisted, no falls, completely walking) for about 20 minutes.  It was so cute, he just stopped and said hello to everyone as he tooled past.  Up and down the rows, past the computers, around the checkout counter, and back.... around and around.

Anyway, made me think that I hadn't put any pics up for a while.  Here are some random Jan pics

Just a few pics of us hanging around the house

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Em! I am always so excited when I see that there's a new post - I can't believe Wally is such a good walker now. I hope our next trip home comes quickly so I can see for myself! :)
