
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back to Work

I'm stuck under a sleeping baby, so I thought it would be a great time to blog!  I really don't want to wake Wally up right now because this morning he got his immunization shots.  Brian and I went together so it was a family event.  One oral and three needle shots into his chubby little legs.  He's been either sleeping or screaming ever since.  So you can imagine which state I'm fighting to keep him in. Now he has three bandaids on those sausages, and I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to get those off...
First smile that I could catch a pic of - I stood there for 15 minutes with the lens pointed at him.  It was all worth it!

The verdict:  Wally's a healthy baby who is on track, horray!  He's still in the 97% for his size and he is right on track for his social development - smiling, watching us and looking for us, starting to coo.  He's got great reflexes, he's very strong, and his eye scan was great!  All good news.
Wally with Great-Grandpa Rock

Anyway, here is the weekly update:  It's been a really great week.  I was a little stressed going into it, but I really shouldn't have been.  I started back at work this week, although very part time.  Wally and I went  to church on Sunday (where he spent the morning in the nursery) and Wednesday (where the choir threw us this great little party before rehearsal.  It was really cute to see all these seasoned parents and grandparents just holding and loving Wally up!)  Our nanny came Mon, Tues, and Thurs as I started teaching my at-home piano students.  It is a slow start this week because quite a few of my students have had conflicts, so next week will probably be a more true start.  I was a little stressed about suddenly having all these things going on every day, but once we got going I really enjoyed being back to work.  I think I was just more stressed over the "what if's"....."what if I'm in the middle of the service and Wally freaks out...... what if I forget to bring a bottle......what if something happens and I'm not there to take care of him...."  
Ayyeeee...Owen is touching me!

Last Saturday Wally and I went to visit my nephew Colin, along with my grandparents Rock and my aunt Raenay, uncle Grant, and cousin Haeley.  It was really fun to get the boys together again.  Here is a great pic of my grandpa Rock holding Wally:

On Tuesday was our last "New Mama" class at Amma maternity.  We "graduated" and put Wally's footprint on the diploma, it was really cute!  I had such a great experience that I think we are going to take the next class too, "Beyond Newborns."  Probably start in May.  Plus, now we have some friends that are Wally's age!
The "New Mama" group - 6 weeks later

Tomorrow (Friday), Brian and I are going to have our first "Date Night" away from Wally.  We are going to drop him off at Brian's parents' house in Maple Grove and see a movie.  I'm excited to go out, but I already feel like I have been spending less and less time with Wally - mostly because I don't just sit around holding him all day like I did for all of January.  It's a little wierd feeling after being so intensly connected for two months.  You really do have to force yourself to get out the door.  It's almost like I've been wounded in combat and now I'm finding myself on the other side having to rebuild my life.  I can honestly say I never anticipated how much having a baby strips your whole being down to nothing.  It's really been the most emotionally intense experience I've ever had.  And I'm sure this is only the beginning...
Grunting into my comfortable place