
Friday, January 14, 2011

The Big Photo Shoot

I have to blog about this before I forget because it was such a "big deal."  We had a newborn photo shoot yesterday for Wally.  I found this fantastic photographer here in Mound - Kirsten O'Hara Gordon.  She has a home studio and just some amazing photos of infants and families, I really like her style.  Check her out:

link to pic of Wally:

So Wally woke up promptly at 5:00am, and insisted on getting fed once an hour until about 9:30.  I tried really hard to make sure he was awake, changed, and well fed when we left so hopefully he'd be comatose for most of the photo shoot.  Amid this, I was also trying to get myself and Brian looking half way decent and bags packed with props for photos.  Well, of course none of this worked.  We got there and I immediately realized I had left the 2 outfits I had planned for Wally to wear sitting on the bed.  Then for the next three hours, Wally was either awake and fussy or asleep and fussy.  He kept wrinkling up his face as soon as Kirsten would try to snap a photo.  She would try to position his arms and legs but he'd just wait until she let go and kick them out.  For the naked shots he peed or pooped on every single surface we set him down on.  So much pee!  I tried to feed him twice to calm him down and get him asleep, but neither worked.  Kirsten was so patient with this, but I'm sure we were the most difficult    It took us three hours to get through (by the end we skipped the last two sets), most of which was just waiting for Wally to settle down. I was exhausted and a little embarrassed by the time we left.  So this is motherhood...