
Friday, March 23, 2012

Hanging out with Great Grandparents Rock

This post is from March 12th, when we visited Granny Rock for her birthday!

In the house of Glass and Crystal.  hmmm, contimplating... Yes, I am a literal Bull in the China shop.
Thanks Mom for bringing my blocks.

Sure wish these were Granny's crystal salt shakers

My Dolly!

Dinner back at home.  Look, I can feed myself yogurt!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A few more pics from the past week

Yes, that's grey hair under my nuzzle.

Just practicing my best Jim Carrey as "Lloyd Christmas."  Big gulps eh.........well, see ya.

Running around the upstairs as Dad chases me.  Can't catch me!!

Mmmm, cheerios.  I could eat these all day

Oh Hazel, pardon me.  How rude to eat in front of you.  Here, let's share.

Snow or Go?

Standing on the sidewalk watching the snowflakes fall

Oh yeah, look at that cute belly!
Hey, it's already March!  It's been such a strange winter.  This morning it started snowing although it will probably be 50 degrees by the afternoon and this will be about the third day of warm temps in a row.  Just a few things I wanted to mention (and this is mostly for my own personal journaling!).  Those of you reading can skip down to the pictures at the end :)

  1. Yesterday (wed) was our last Music Together class in the Bells series.  We've had a lot of fun going every Wed morning from 10:30-11:15 with Miss Sherrie.  Sherrie is actually a good friend of mine who was my mentor when I started teaching early childhood music classes.  So, naturally, I think she is a wonderful teacher.  I love how creative she is in her song development, and how thoroughly she implements the Music Together method in the classroom.  Wally has really developed over the last 10 weeks of this class.  I was noticing yesterday as he was walking independently around the room and would stop every now and then to either watch or pat his legs or give a little shout.  When we started the class in January he could barely walk and just stared into oblivion the whole 45 minutes.  Now he's engaged.  And he must feel very comfortable with the other adults because he'll walk up to the grandpa in class and give him a hug or point at him.  
  2. Yesterday also marked the end of a big push at St. Luke to perform the Schubert Mass in G.  We paired with Valley Community Presbyterian Church, and hired a string quintet from the U of M to play the counterpoint.  It has been a really lovely experience and lots of fun for me because I got to sing with the altos (after 2 months of rehearsing the choir from the piano, of course).   The late rehearsals were a little tough at times because I was getting home so late, sometimes not going to bed until 11:00 or so, but still getting up at 4:15am for Wally's snack. Hsu-Hui really put together a nice experience for folks with this one.  Challenging, but rewarding!
  3. I have finally found a treadmill!  Hooray! I've been failing miserably at keeping this bod in any kind of decent running order, and have really been feeling old, out of shape, and full of creaks and groans.  For some reason in my head I've been hinging my lack of commitment to my health on the fact that I can't go running.  So, this weekend we'll be picking it up from this other family in Mound (that worked out well!) and then hopefully I will stop making excuses... After I eat the plate of cookies we recieved when we hosted a play date on Tuesday.
  4. Finally - just so it's down in writing for later reference - Wally has been crabby as heck for about two weeks now.  I guess crabby is not exactly accurate - more like really whiny.  I'm blaming it on a mix of teething (he's getting 2 new teeth on top, and I think i see a bud on the bottom too), seperation anxiety, and even maybe not getting enough sleep.  It could also just be a little boredom at being cooped up in the house all day.  Brian and I have been racking our heads about it.  Basically, if Wally is not being held, completely absorbed in an activity, or having your full attention he is REALLY whiny.  Especially when I'm in the kitchen trying to do anything, Wally is draped around my legs.  How he instinctively knows to toddle around to my front side, grab my pants, and throw his head back with the most exasperated look on his face is utterly amazing.  Mostly it's a closed mouth drone. Sometimes it's a squack of protest - like if you put him down and he doesn't want to.  Others it's a mini tantrum with the stiff body, closed fists pumping, tears down the cheeks.  I'm missing those days when he would walk around the room and find little things to do, or play nicely by himself for 10 minutes at a time.  I love spending time with him and playing during the day, but that dishwasher isn't going to unload itself.  Sometimes I really depend on those 10-15 minute increments to answer an email, or clean, or talk to someone on the phone.  Aarrrgh!
OK, time for more pictures!