Yesterday was Wally's first Halloween! I was trying to find costume ideas that Wally and Hazel puggy could wear in tandem. Among the runners up (and probable future years costumes) were:
- Knight in shining armor and the dragon (Mariel sent a pretty awesome Martha Stewart how-to on this one)
- Bumblebee and a flower
- Luke Skywalker and Yoda
- Mouse and the Cheese
And the Winner: Garden Gnome and the Butterfly! (Sorry, the pics were not stunning. I still haven't gotten a grip on indoor evening shots.)
Although I had planned to try and make costumes this year, I ended up buying and modifying costumes. It was way less work that way and I could be relatively certain I'd end up with something wear-able. Maybe next year I'll get started on the sewing earlier.
We ended up going out for about 20 minutes with our neighbors who have a 4 and 7 year old girls. Kayla and Alicia were both very cute as a peppermint princess and a piece of pizza. We hit about 5 or so houses, and Brian pocketed Wally's candy for his midnight snack :) Jackie and Justin came over with Colton, who is going to be 2 in Feb, and he had a very cute cow costume on. We only got about 15 trick-or-treaters this year, which seems to be a little less than last year. I'm surprised this neighborhood is so quiet on Halloween. Although when Wally and I went out for a walk this morning, we did se quite a few smashed pumpkins on the street. At least our destructive youth crowd is alive and kickin...