
Monday, July 18, 2011


Here are a bunch of cute pics I've been polishing up in GIMP....

This weekend has been a little trying - on Thursday Wally started running a fever.  We spent 2 1/2 hours in quickcare on Friday morning.  After ruling out ear infections, strep, and a few other things we were left with "some kind of little virus" or teething.  He was pretty sensitive all weekend - crying at the drop of a hat and having trouble eating (which makes me think teeth).  I guess we'll see if we get a tooth soon!  Today was better.


Now that summer is half over, I'm looking back at all the projects I thought I would get done before Fall.  Let's see how I'm doing!
1. Start baby scrapbook for Wally - Nope (although I have the pieces)
2. Make composer bios, sightreading pages, and other handouts for piano students - Not even close
3. Landscape - There are lovely weed gardens in front and back.  We were hoping to totally redo the back yard before winter, but that project will most likely happen next spring.
4. Garden - OK, there we have made some progress.  Today I'll be harvesting raspberries, snap peas, spinach, and lettuce from my raised garden bed.  Hooray!
5. Make quilt and drapes for our bedroom - That's coming along too.  Drapes are done.  Quilt is half way.  I'll post a pic
6. Take lots of Wally pictures - I'd say I'm doing B+ work there.
7. Blog - done and done.

Last week Brian started a new job, which we are very excited about.  He is now working for a California based company with two of his very good friends, Ryan and Lars.  I'm pretty excited about this move too because I really like thier families, and this is a great opportunity for Brian to really sharpen his programming skills.  Now Brian will ride the bus into downtown Mpls